About Us
Prominer (Shanghai) Mining Technology Co., Ltd. has been devoted to mineral processing industry for decades and specializes in mineral upgrading and deep processing.
With expertise in the fields of mineral project development, mining, test study, engineering, technological processing, plant construction and operation & maintenance, Prominer delivers comprehensive solutions in gold, graphite, quartz, iron ore , copper, kaolin, magnetite, hematite, rare earth and heavy minerals as well as other various minerals processing to the mining companies on an EPCM basis.
Why Choose Us
We are focused on providing the complete full cycle services and turnkey solutions for the mineral processing plants and projects from engineering and key equipment design, manufacture & supply, laboratory & pilot tests, erection & commissioning to onsite training & operation & maintenance.

Key Equipment Manufacture
Design and manufacture SAG mill, Ball mill, Banana Screen, Flip-flow screen, Shaping mill, Granulator.

Super Capacity and Heavy Duty Design
To ensure the longlife service and stable performance.

Complete Solution Provider
Provide turnkey solution for mineral processing project.

On Site Service
Provide engineer team provide the on site erection and training service.
Gallery & Story
Prominer is not only your product and service provider, but also your perfect partner.

Market and Client
Prominer has strong capabilities of various mineral processing main equipment design & manufacturing including crushers, heavy-duty vibrating screens, ball and SAG mills, relining machines, mill bolt hammers, LIMS and HIMS magnetic separators, flotation cells, agitating and leaching tanks, scrubbers and agglomerators, hydrocyclones, spiral classifiers, thickeners, filter presses, smelting & refining systems, etc.